Legionella Updates
The following documents were supplied to us on June 13, 2017.
- The CDC just released “version 2” of their Toolkit & VitalSigns publications that were first released in June of 2016 – the message and advocacy is still very strong and clear that building owners have an ASHRAE 188 compliant “Water Management Plan” (or better) – w/this year’s focus and data particularly on Healthcare Facilities. The VitalSigns document can be downloaded here: Legionnaires Disease – A Problem for Health Care Facilities!
The CDC Toolkit can be obtained from the CDC website. - AWT quickly responded to the CDC releases with their own press release of the CDC. Note that the CDC (now) specifically recommends contacting a “water treatment professional” for water management plan development – and not a “plumber.”
- ASHE also responded with acknowledgement of the CDC focus on Legionella management in healthcare facilities.
- Perhaps the most significant event is the CMS update memorandum (effective immediately 6/2/17) that has very specific expectations/requirements for health care facilities receiving CMS funds to have an 188 equivalent water management plan AND “environmental testing for pathogens” (Legionella).
If you have questions or comments about the any of the above information, please email us at: info@GetBIC.com.